"I should like to see the custom introduced of readers who are pleased with a book sending the author some small cash token: anything between half-a-crown and a hundred pounds ... Not more than a hundred pounds — that would be bad for my character — not less than half-a-crown — that would do no good to yours ..." 

- Cyril Connolly from Enemies of Promise


That was in 1938. But if the sentiment moves you in the right direction, please feel free to use 


Or send your token to Romesh Gunesekera, c/o A M Heath & Co, 6 Warwick Court, London WC1R 5DJ.


Anything over £10 opens a window to where you might find a special Star Vista which will have some extra content like an informal photo album, glimpses of manuscript pages, a chance to post ideas for stories. If you donate anything over £100, you become one of those amazing celestial muses who could be added to the list of acknowledgements in the book that is being written at the time of the donation, if and when it gets published. Nothing guaranteed, but hope is a good thing. 

If you are in the mood, you might also consider giving something to an organisation that promotes new writing like The Arvon Foundation.